Pre-season scouting is the perfect time to find out what kind of bucks are in your hunting area. The bucks will be in their bachelor groups at this time. They will be feeding at all times during the day. Scouting cameras are a great tools to use for scouting as well. When out scouting it pays to use a good cover scent like Red Fox urine #1011 or our new Guide Grade Scents Calm Doe urine # GG109, these scents will cover your human scent. I always use a scent elimintor while I am scouting. Scent Stop # 1021-4D is a great choice.
July is a great time to freshen up last years scrapes just add 10-12 drops of our Guide Grade Scents GG151 Non-rutting buck urine to the scrape, re-freshen about once a week. These will be the first scrapes that bucks open up as the rut heats up. Working and refreshing these scrapes will program the bucks to visit these scrapes frequently.
E-mail me scouting camera photos and I will post them on the website. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.