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Thursday, 22 July 2010 14:43

Kelly Wilson Buck Stop Pro-Staff

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Pro-staffer Kelly Wilson is a long time Buck Stop user. I started using Buck Stop on my very first hunt back in 2000. My dad use to take me out hunting with him when I was little and he always used Buck Stop, he always seemed to get a buck. One one of our hunts I saw first hand how effective scents work. My dad had doctored up a mock-scrape with some Buck Stop Ruck'n Buck buck urine on the edge of a woodline that we were hunting. The sun was just starting to light up the sky when dad issued a couple buck qrunts from his call. With in minutes a nice buck pops out of some planted pines. The Buck was about a hundred yards downwind of the mock-scrape. After sniffing the air for several minutes the buck turned directly in to the wind and walked right to the scrape and put on quite a show of tearing in up.

Dad told me that the buck was trying to remove the scent he had put out. Since that day I have used many differant Buck Stop scents with great success. I still use the mock-scrape system combine with rattling and grunting.

This is one of my bucks that Buck Stop has fooled.


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